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Businesses Prosper Using Pokémon GO to Lure in Customers

The Pokémon GO phenomena has taken the world by storm, and it’s not just kids who are playing. Grade schoolers to Millennials, people of all ages are getting in on the action. In our own home, everyone from our eleven year old son to our 20 year old are hitting the streets in search of […]

Facebook’s New Algorithm Change: What’s It Mean To Small Businesses?

What does Facebook’s new algorithm change mean to small businesses? It’s been said before, and we’ll say it again and again, “Social media is about being social”. As a business owner, it is your opportunity to engage your followers – to discover what they want and need from you. So, what does Facebook’s new algorithm […]

Saying “Yes” is Good Business

Wayne Dyer explains it so beautifully when he says; “The answer to how is Yes! When you say Yes to life, you attract divine guidance. This divine guidance shows up as ‘inspiration’. And, when you are inspired, you’re collaborating with fate. Everything starts working for you. The most profound and important thing a person can […]

Is Email Marketing Dead?

In today’s digital world where in-boxes are crammed with spam and social media seems to be choking out traditional marketing, is email marketing even relevant and worth the time or the investment for small business owners? Is email marketing dead? A big question on the minds of many small business owners today is, “Is Email Marketing […]

4 Reasons Why Giving Back Makes Good Business Sense and How to Get Started

Being supportive of your community and finding ways to give back can be an exceptional business strategy. However, being a community partner has a bigger impact than just the bottom line. Read on to discover 4 Reasons Why Giving Back Makes Good Business Sense and How to Get Started. 4 Reasons Why Giving Back Makes Good Business Sense  You deal with neighborhood […]

4 Essential Strategies for Marketing Success

4 Essential Strategies for Marketing Success The foundation of your company’s success depends heavily on marketing. Afterall, your business may provide the most effective product or service in your industry, but without marketing how would your potential customers find you? 1. Create A Marketing Strategy When companies fail to create a marketing strategy, regardless of how great their product or service, without customers […]